Wednesday 12 January 2011

Final race scene filmed today!

Today has been very successful as we have filmed the final race scene which will be implemented within mine and Abbas's music video. Early this morning just before 8 o'clock, Abbas picked me up from my house and then picked up Beth. He then took us all down to Maiden Castle where the running track is located and when we got there i quickly got changed into my sportswear. Abbas took several shots from different angles when filming the race scene which will hopefully make our music video look more effective. In this race scene we filmed today, I was the one that won. In the first race, I didnt win but as you will see in the music video, there will be several cuts to me training and preparing for the next race. As part of our narrative storyline at the end of the music video I become victorious. We have now got all our footage for the music video. What is left now, is final changes to editing as Sir wants us to have a fine cut ready for the end of friday.

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