Wednesday 1 December 2010

By school being closed the past few days, Me and Abbas havent being able to edit any of our footage yet because all our footage is on the schools hard drive. This is really unfortunate as we were meant to have our rough cut finished by the end of this week but due to the horrendous weather conditions we cant access our media server due to the school being closed. Im hoping the school will re-open tomorrow or friday so me and Abbas can make a good start at editing our footage. We will just have to wait and keep checking the school website to see when we are able to access the school grounds. Due to the school being closed, Im hoping Mr Earl will give us an extra week to finish our rough cut because the snow has really intefered with our deadlines and time management. All we can hope for now is the snow to clear up so we can then attend school and edit the footage we have shot and actually film the second and final parts for the innovation for our music video.

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