Thursday 9 December 2010

Flat plan of magazine advertisement

Unfortunately, this hasn't came out very well. You can see the idea of how I would like my magazine advertisement to look like with lots of information and pictures within the advertisement to grab the readers attention.

Monday 6 December 2010

My school has re-opened today after being closed for a week. Unfortunately, still due to the snow and ice we cant film the final part of our footage till it clears up because me and Abbas think it will be extremely dangerous for me and my actors to run on a track which is really slippy and icy. During this week, I and Abbas are going to edit the footage we have already shot so we can show sir a slight rough cut of the innovation of our music video. The final footage however that still needs to be shot will be put on a hold for a few weeks until the snow and ice has fully cleared. Sir has informed me that what I should also do now is focus on planning our Digipak and magazine advertisement as we will be starting these after christmas anyway. So these next couple of weeks before breaking up for the christmas holidays me and Abbas are going to edit the footage we have already shot and also begin developing a planning concept for the innovation of our Digipak and Magazine Advertisement. That is all we can focus on for now until the snow has cleared up.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Unfortunately due to the snow and treacherous weather conditions the school was closed again today. Taking into consideration of the weather and school closure, I am hoping that Mr Earl will set a further deadline because Me and Abbas need to access the school media server in order to edit our footage. During the time I have being off, I have being looking at magazine advertisements to see how bands are potrayed. I have not yet analysed them in too much detail yet but I am going to purchase some more magazines over the weekend so I can see which advertisements look most effective. I am going to look at rock genre because that is the genre I and Abbas are implementing within the innovation of our music video. Hopefully, at the beginning of next week we will return to school and then begin editing our footage in class.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

By school being closed the past few days, Me and Abbas havent being able to edit any of our footage yet because all our footage is on the schools hard drive. This is really unfortunate as we were meant to have our rough cut finished by the end of this week but due to the horrendous weather conditions we cant access our media server due to the school being closed. Im hoping the school will re-open tomorrow or friday so me and Abbas can make a good start at editing our footage. We will just have to wait and keep checking the school website to see when we are able to access the school grounds. Due to the school being closed, Im hoping Mr Earl will give us an extra week to finish our rough cut because the snow has really intefered with our deadlines and time management. All we can hope for now is the snow to clear up so we can then attend school and edit the footage we have shot and actually film the second and final parts for the innovation for our music video.