Friday 10 September 2010

This week i have decided to look at the multi-million US rock band, "Aerosmith". The video I have being deeply looking into is "Walk this way" which was a huge hit in 97's. The video is filmed as a two shot with two bands located in rooms opposite eachother which is really effective as it keeps the audience focused. The band is shot frequently on stage with all the spotlights on the band. From seeing how good and effective it looks on the music video, it puts me into the decision of going forward to shooting most of my innovative music video on stage as it creates a rock vibe sensation.

This digipak is an extremely interesting and versatile front conver for a rock band. However the name of the album "Toys in the attic" clearly links with the defying image represented on the cover. The colours used are quite unusual for a rock band to use as your normally connote a rock band with the colours red and black but in this case the colours used are red, orange and brown which are all neutral covers. The digipak and music video are totally diverse. The cover connotes the natural and child-like side to the band which helps audience to emphasise whereas the video connotes the rock chick side. The way how the digipak and videos are totally different is extremely creative and diverse. I think that it is an extremely good idea as the fans can see two sides to the band. I may be considering using this technique when producing my digipak and music video.

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