Wednesday 29 September 2010

British rock band video

This week i have being focusing on looking at British Rock bands and their music videos and Digipak's. As me and Abbas have finally chosen that we are going to create a cover of Queen's smash hit "We are the champions", we have took the time into looking at a couple of Queen's videos and how they differ from American rock bands. Queens first ever official video was "Bohemian Rhapsody". This music video is really different to another other rock band. All of the video is shot in black and white which potrays their dark and rock image. The band is shot on stage quite abit and also the band are shot in close up for a majority of the video and individual shots as well as many special effects to create a rock and exciting image. I particularly like in the video where the band is shot in a kaleidoscope effect. This draws my attention as it looks extremely creative. I would most likely consider trying to create this effect in the innovation of my music video for 'We are the champions' as i think it will create an appealing image for the band and look edgy. I also like how the band is shot on a black background. This also creates their sinister / rock image. Their Digipak also includes many special effects and is extremely bright coloured schemed unlike their video for Bohemian Rhapsody. The way how there is an image of the swan at the top with a sparkle of flames, it creates an exhilerating effects and encourages the audience to buy their album as a swan is a sign of love. For my digipak i am still deliberating whether to use a contrast of black & white or bright colour scheme. Looking at Queen's digipak i can see that a bright coloured cover does create a desireable effect so i migth consder it.

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