Saturday, 27 November 2010

Unfortunately, me and Abbas could not shoot our footage today regarding the horrendous weather we have received in the North-East. There has been about 10 inches of snow and expecting more so inevtiably we could not shoot the second part of our race scene today because the racing track is covered in snow therefore it is too dangerous to run on due to healthy and safety issues. Also, the roads are very dangerous to drive on at the moment and buses are running behind schedule so therefore today couldnt have not gone to plan unfortunately. I do understand that Mr Earl wants a rough cut of the innovation of our music video at the end of next week, however we will just have to wait till the weather has calmed down which will hopefully happen before the end of next week. We do so far have some footage shot from last month of the first part of the race scene and the training sequences so during next week we will have to begin editing that footage before we can go forward in shooting any more footage. By editing the footage we have already shot, this will make things less stressful and time convenient. That is all we can do for now until the weather clears up because it is an unfortunate that we cannot shoot any further footage outside until the snow and ice has fully cleared up.

1 comment:

  1. All you can do is edit what you've got and leave gaps for the stuff you need. You could include frames from the storyboard to create some sort of animatic.
