Wednesday, 1 September 2010

This week i have being listening to and looking at a recent American rock band, "30 seconds to mars". Their recent global success was with the song "Kings & Queens" which was a huge UK and US hit. Their video is impressive and the way how the sunliight is captured at the beginning creates a desireable effect. Alot of the music video is shot in the City with hundreds of the community cycling around. Looking at what this music video implements it leads me to the decisions of thinking of filming in a well-lit and pretty locations with many people being apart of the video. The digipak for their album called "This is War" is also extremely creative and impressive. As you can see the picture placed on their digipak is a tiger. This connotes that this band is dangerous yet exciting and ready to deliver. Tigers like to be let loose and free and this links with the music video for "Kings & Queens" as members of the puplic are being therselves and let free roaming the city. I like "30 seconds to mars" alot and i think they are one of the best American rock bands around. From looking closely at their digipak and continously watching their music video i have learnt a lot about how to make things work and look creative. From their video i am considering filming in perhaps a city location with many members of the public joining in as this will create a reality and help the audience to engage. This is the best music video i have looked at so far over this summer and when i return to 6th form i am going to discuss with my team members to look closely how this band are shot in their music video and see if we can come to a decision of how we want out innovative music video to look like and capture an exhilerating effect that the public want to watch over and over again.

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