Thursday 12 August 2010


In the past few weeks I have being doing some deep research into a very well-known American Rock band, Guns N Roses. This American Rock band is quite similar to Nickelback which I am strongly focussing on. Guns N Roses seem deeper regarding their video to “Sweet Child of Mine”. The video is shot in black and white which instantly connotes simplicity but notorious. Throughout the video the band are shot playing on stage which seems to be a strong element in helping to engage the audience. This idea is a one I am interested in implementing within my innovative music video as it has proved to be a success with one of America’s most popular rock bands, Guns N Roses. Guns N Roses are classifed as one of the most dangerous bands and from their album cover placed above you can see the sinister atmosphere and fear that this band creates due to the colours used on the colour and the images of skulls. The effective use of the skulls and the cross depict a terrorised religious image. It shows the audience that the band express their religion and contact with dead people. From the music video and the digipak together, this band is extremely deep and well controversial to any other american rock bands. The creative effects and elements implemented within their music video is a few that may stick in my mind to help me express and create a innovative rock music video.

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