Saturday, 30 October 2010

Yesterday, me and abbas filmed some more footage for the innovation of our music video. For example, Abbas took a series of footage showing the different training techniques i use in preparation of winning the second race which will be depicted at the end of our music video. Many different training methods were shot but when we put it together, we do realise that we might have not shot enough so in preparation for this in the next coming weeks we are going to ensure we shoot lots of footage in case if some footage isnt as useful. As Abbas has the video recorder at home, I cannot upload any of the footage yet. When I return to 6th form next week I will upload the footage of the race scene and the training sequence that we have completed so far.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010


Today me and Abbas shot some footage for our music video. We shot abit of our race scene where the blonde girl wins the race and the underdog looses by a tiny amount. Next weekend we are going to shoot more of our race scene where I (the underdog) wins the race. This Friday me and Abbas are going to shoot some more footage for the innovation of our music video potraying the different methods of training I do to prepare for the next race. We have got permission again to use the running track at Maiden castle so everything is going well at the moment.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Today me and Abbas have asked our actors if they are free in the half-term next week. They all said they would make time so we can shoot a series of our footage for our music video. On Monday, we are going to check the weather forecast to ensure which day will be the best to shoot. We want the weather to be decent and quite sunny but not rainy. When we have sorted out which day is the best then we will discuss with our actors if they are free. Also through the half-term I am going to think about ideas on what we could put on our digi-pak and also think of ideas for our magazine advertisement so we have a general idea before beginning the process.

Thursday, 21 October 2010

After a lot of thought Me and Abbas have decided that within the process of making our digipak, we want it to relate effectively with the innovation of our music video. For example, we are thinking of using a olympic torch light as our main image on the front cover as this signifies athletes which is what we are portraying in our music video. We beleive that a white background will be also extremely effective with a series of multi-coloured special effects in the background which will stand out and appeal to the general public. Over the half-term we are going to plan out exactly what we want on our digipak so that we have a general idea of how long it will take to create over a period of time.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

The other day in class, I was given a document analysing a series of digipak cover. After reading through several pages today, I am beginning to have more of an idea what I want my digipak to look like. However, im still not certain on what picture I would like on the front. Tomorrow in lesson I am going to discuss my ideas with Abbas and see if we can come to a decision on what we exactly want our digipak to look like and portray to the public.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Me and Abbas are still finishing off our production schedule as we are just missing the dates of when we are going to film as we are not defitnetly sure which exact days our actors are available and what the weather forecast is like for next week. We are going to shoot some test footage today for the innovation of our music video and during the half-term we are going to come into school one day and shoot as much footage as we can as this will mean that we are ahead of schedule and have enough time to spend editing in lesson. During lunchtime today we are going to record the music track in A27, the music room.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Rocky IV – Training scene

In this montage sequence, there are various cuts between two men who are training to compete in a fight with one another. The blonde man is represented as dominant as he is training with all high-tech equipment whereas the other man is training with basis equipment such as skipping ropes and etc. The use of the cuts is extremely effective as it makes it clear to the audience the difference between the two men. In this video the man with brown hair who is lower class is represented as the underdog. For example, at the end of the video the man with brown hair reaches the top of the mountain and becomes victorious. This is effectively shown also with the use of various cuts between him and the other man. The camera is cutting between them both to show the blonde man training on his treadmill increasing his incline but the camera cuts rapidly to the other man who actually reaches the top of a mountain. Mine and Abbas’s innovation of our video is going to be quite similar to this one. For example, we are going to create a montage where there are a series of cuts of the underdog training and at the end she wins the race and beats her competitor that actually beat her in the first round.

Friday, 15 October 2010

Chemical Brothers - Electrobank

Chemical brothers - Electrobank

This music video is an example of a narrative video with a clear storyline portrayed. From this video for ‘Electrobank’ there are many hand-held camera movements which creates a realistic vibe. We can see that this is extremely effective in creating energy. I and Abbas are thinking of using a series of hand-held footage as this will create the illusion of movement and a documentary of reality. In the video for Chemical brothers, the narrative is created by the camera frequently cutting to the blonde girl. This creates the dynamic aspect of the video and the audience can instantly tell that the blonde girl is antagonist as she is represented as a negative stereotype. For example, the majority of people instantly think negatively now about blonde girls as they are represented as two-faced and twist stirring characters. The narrative is clear in this video and in the innovation of my music video for “We are the champions” I am going to have an antagonist and pro-antagonist as this will create the clear dynamic storyline. As well as shown in the Electrobank video, in mine and Abbas’s music video, we are going to have the antagonist being a blonde character and the pro-antagonist being a brunette. At the end of the video the pro-antagonist will win the race and this refers to the fairytale of “Good always wins evil”.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Chariots of fire

This video is a similar example of how I and Abbas want our video to look like. Within this video you can see the development of training a man is preparing for to be fit enough to compete. In our music video we are going to be portraying the steps of training and preparation same as in this video for chariots of fire. We want at the end of our video for “We are the champions” a happy ending where an individual finally succeeds in winning the race. Same as chariots of fire, the man wins the race which is exactly what will happen in our video accept it will be the feamle underdog that wins. This music video is a great example of ideas that we would like to portray in ours as our plan is to film an individual preparing for a race where eventually she will win. The ideas shown in the chariots of fire video are the ideas that we are going to use for creating the innovation of our music video. The only difference is that we are going to use a female character as we want to be different and not always portray the man been the dominant character. We are going to have several female racers as this makes it more realistic as in the athletics male and females are separated into their gender. We are going to have a blonde girl (Sophie Balfour) that wins the race first time, but a brunette which is myself, that trains hard and actually wins the race in the end and becomes a champion relating to the lyrics of the song "We are the champions".

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Monday, 11 October 2010

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Having looked at and analysed the lyrics, me and Abbas have decided that it will make more sense if we were to create one story throughout the video instead of a series of stories as the lyrics are not long enough to portray a chain of stories. We think it will be more effective if a girl actor which will be myself, act in our video referring to how she took up running but then failed to complete her ultimate race but in the end turning out to be a champion as her hard training pays off. By having one character within the music video, the audience will be able to empathise and sympathise more effectively as the character will be the centre of the story. We are still definitely going to have a happy ending so the audience are fulfilled.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Mine and Abbas's Pitch!

Abbas Tajik and Emily Smith - Music Campaign Pitch from Chris Earl on Vimeo.

This is our pitch that I and Abbas presented in front of the class last week. Within the presentation we were on edge of deciding two songs, but now we are going to use 'We are the champions' for our cover. This presentation gives a overview of how we want our music video to look like.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

By next week me and abbas are going to produce a production schedule which will have wrote down when and where we are going to shoot our footage for our music video. We are still currently thinking of our locations but the shootage of the band will be filmed mostly in the studio at school and perhaps outside. We do know that we are going to shoot footage outside of school depending on the free time our actors have. We are thinking of shooting some practice footage in the October half-term week so we can see if our ideas work and would look good in the video for our cover of 'we are the champions'.

Monday, 4 October 2010

'Runaway love'

This music video has had a huge impact on the innovation of mine and Abbas’s music video for the cover of “We are the champions”. We are currently already thinking of having a few people act in our music video who are all trying to achieve something that is important to them in their life. In this music video, ‘runaway love’ there is various actors who all live different lives. There is a storyline to this video and at the end everyone is peaceful and content which contributes to the happy ending. This is exactly how I and Abbas want our video to achieve as we want the audience to empathise and sympathise with the characters. We like the idea of showing various diverse individuals who are totally different but all trying to achieve the same feeling of victory. This music video is extremely effective in developing the audience’s feelings and emotions. I want the public to empathise with my music video so the idea of creating an effective and depth storyline will help to keep the audience drawn to the screen. A happy ending is the end to satisfy the audience as they are left content. Me and Abbas have already came to the conclusion that we are going ahead with having a happy ending to the end of our music video so the audience is left fulfilled.